Jewish History Soundbites
Listen to noted Tour Guide, Lecturer and Yad Vashem Researcher of Jewish History Yehuda Geberer bring the world of pre-war Eastern Europe alive. Join in to meet the great personages, institutions and episodes of a riveting past. For speaking engagements or tours in Israel or Eastern Europe Yehuda@YehudaGeberer.com
The Secularization of the Jewish People in the Modern Era Part III
The secularization of the Jewish People in the modern era really begins as a slow but growing trend within the communities of the Spanish Jewish diaspora of northern Europe in the 16th century. In the pre modern era, the legally backed autonomy of the Kahal – the Jewish autonomous communal structure, ensured that at least externally and superficially, the Jewish individual maintained a nominal Jewish religious identity and mode of observance. With the advent of the modern era, the rise of the nation-state, with its view of the individual citizen as an entity, the kahal lost its autonomous jurisdiction, religious affiliation was no longer the sole arbiter of identity, and secularism became possible for the first time in European history. As religious observance became a matter of personal choice, this voluntary association emerged as a defensive posture, which ultimately strengthened orthodox identity. Changes in legislation – especially emancipation and compulsory education laws – and the massive immigration to the United States at the turn of the 19th & 20th centuries, led to large swaths of Jewry embracing secularization in a growing trend which was bereft of ideology, leadership or a formal platform. It was rather a function of modernity, and its reality of integration into surrounding society.
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